Ashland Middle School Principal David DiGirolamo Announces Retirement
For Immediate Release
March 14, 2024
ASHLAND, MASS. — Following a dedicated 30-year career in education, Ashland Middle School Principal David DiGirolamo has announced he will retire in October.
Superintendent James Adams expressed his gratitude for Mr. DiGirolamo's 26 years of dedication to Ashland Public Schools. “Having hired Dave in his first administrative role as a Dean of Students at Ashland High School, it saddens me that he will leave our team. Dave has been a great friend, colleague, mentor and educator and has served the Ashland Public Schools well in his time here. The students and community of Ashland have benefited significantly due to his commitment to doing what is best for kids. Dave brought stability, consistency and positive leadership to AMS. I, every administrator, and the Ashland School Committee wish Dave nothing but the best in his retirement years.”
Mr. DiGirolamo joined Ashland Public Schools as an assistant football coach in 1992 and served as a building substitute for two years. In 1994, he began his first year in the classroom as an 8th/9th grade teacher. While most of his teaching career was spent in the social studies department at Ashland High School, Mr. DiGirolamo also taught in the Milford Public Schools for several years before returning to teach and serve as the Head Varsity Football Coach for Ashland High School. His first administrative role came in 2010 when he became a Dean of Students at Ashland High School. Mr. DiGirolamo served in this role for three years.
Following his success in his previous roles, he was promoted in 2013 to principal of Ashland Middle School, where he has led with integrity for more than a decade. In 2016, the middle school earned a Level 1 designation by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Under his leadership, AMS has implemented programming for students and staff around mental health issues, strategies, and support. The school has also created Individualized Student Success Plans each year to target students who need additional guidance and support to reach individual, district, and state goals. Another major initiative has been a student leadership program, where students are trained each year around leadership and mentorship.
Mr. DiGirolamo is an active Massachusetts School Administrators Association member and has served on the Middle-Level and School Athletics Committees. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Colgate University and a Master of Education from Worcester State University.
Ashland Public Schools will begin a search for the next AMS principal starting in March and expects to have a successor in place by the start of the 2024–2025 school year.