• Clubs and Activities
    Ashland High School prides itself on offering students numerous opportunities to get involved in their school.  Currently, the clubs and activities which are being offered to students at no charge are listed below. Underneath each club/activity name is a short description of each program, and the name of the teacher advisor for the program.  If you are interested in participating, please see the Club Advisor for more information.

    Academic Decathalon

    Club Advisor: Charles Alberts 

    Description:  Academic Decathlon is a competition that challenges students to prepare for ten different competitions on art, economics, literature, mathematics, music, science, social science, essay, speech, and interview.  Each year has a theme that links most of these topics together.  Recent themes have been Africa, World War 2, Sickness and Health, and The Cold War.  Competing teams have a roster of students from three different GPA brackets so students of all ability levels are not only welcomed but needed!

    Meets:  Mondays after school

    Agape Club

    Club Advisor: Ron Campbell

    Are you looking for a good Christian community at school? Come to Agape club for games, reading/studying the Bible, and lots more!  All are welcome!  See Mr. Campbell for more details about this new club. 

    Meets: The club meets alternate Mondays right after school in Room B231

    AHS Public Speaking 

    Club Advisor: Check back later for the name of the new Advisor for this club.
    Description: Does public speaking make you nervous? Join us to practice your public speaking skills in a safe, encouraging environment of your peers. You'll learn tips and tricks to overcome those jitters, and you can rehearse your presentations for classes to get the A! There may also be speech contests where you can earn money and prizes for your speaking skills. 
    Meets: Meetings are held one Friday a month before school in Mrs. Markham’s room. Join our Google Classroom and follow our Instagram (@ashland_publicspeaking_club) for updates. 

    Amnesty International 

    Club Advisor: this club is currently not active

    Description:  The AHS chapter of Amnesty International is a student-run club that is focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.  We discuss human rights abuses around the world, participate in international campaigns to promote equality, and organize events to raise awareness of social and political injustices. 

    Anatomy and Biology Club

    Club Advisor: Tina Locke

    Description:  Anatomy and Biology club is a perfect chance for any students interested in life sciences to learn more with a hands-on approach. The club will offer many different opportunities for research, dissections, exciting labs and field trips to research centers and hospitals. 
    Meets: Every other Tuesday after school

    Art Club

    Club Advisor: Scott Smith

    Description:  Any students interested in participating in Art Club/Open Studios are welcome to join.  This time can be used for a variety of activities from group lessons, projects, or discussions to independent studio time when an Art instructor is available for advice and instruction. Activities include: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, and Sculpture. Come check it out and have some fun! 

    Meets: Tuesdays after school

    Ashland Against Violence

    Club Advisor: Crystal Lupinski

    Description: The Ashland Against Violence Club is an extracurricular club that works to raise awareness for and support victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. 

    Meets: Please watch announcements for meeting times. 

    Ashland High School Theatrical Society (AHSTS)

    Club Advisor,  Director,Artistic & Technical Director: David E. Harrington 

    Description: Ashland High School Theatrical Society is an extracurricular program that produces two productions each year. The Theatrical Society Advisor and Student Officers oversee the program. The focus of the Theatrical Society: to enhance student education by developing skills that promote success in today’s world. Skills include: effective communication, leadership, self-confidence, and self-discipline. Our productions are about collaboration. The final product - the show - is a symbol of the efforts of all involved, both backstage and onstage. The Production Calendar runs September through March. Visit ahsts.com for more information.

    Best Buddies

    Club Advisors: Holly Leblanc and Crystal Lupinski

    Description: The Ashland High School chapter of Best Buddies is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing lifelong friendships for people with and without disabilities. Our club creates one-on-one and group friendships while serving our community.

    Meets: Please watch announcements for meeting times.

    Bookaholics (AHS Book Club)

    Club Advisors: Check back later for the name of the new Advisor for this club.

    Description: If you love reading, or if you want to build it as a habit, the new AHS book club, Bookaholics, is a great place to get involved. We will discuss favorite reads, hold events and host guest speakers, sponsor competitions, and much more. We are always excited to welcome new members, and we love to hear your suggestions and book recommendations!  As we always say, THE BOOK WAS BETTER! 

    Meets: TBD

    C.A.R.E.S.  Team

    Club Advisor: Mary-Louise Nemeth

    Description:  The C.A.R.E.S. Team stands for Clockers for Anti-Racism, Equity, & Social Justice.  It is a group composed of students, faculty, and administrators that aim to educate ourselves so that we may educate our community.  We sponsor two book discussions a year and four movie discussions a year that are open to AHS students and Ashland Public School employees.  We also work on a variety of action initiatives to help make Ashland High School a more welcoming and accepting environment for all. 

    Meets: We meet after school for an hour on the first and third Thursday of the month but watch announcements to confirm meeting times. 

    Chess Club

    Club Advisor: Lisa Dunn

    Description: If you have watched Queen’s Gambit recently, are interested in chess, or just want a place to hang out, join Chess Club! This year we are excited to introduce in-person chess tournaments where all participants will have a chance to compete and win prizes! If you are interested, please join our Google Classroom with the code sroxx32.  Let’s play! 

    Meets: The Chess Club meets every Monday afternoon in Ms. Dunn's room (B201).  


    Club Advisor: Mary-Louise Nemeth

    Description: The Choirchime Ensemble is a group of twelve musicians that is open to students and faculty.  We practice once a week for 90 minutes from February through May.  We perform in a variety of musical styles.  The concert is in May.  

    Meets: We meet after school on Wednesdays beginning in February.

    Coding Club

    Club Advisor: Christine Carney

    Description: Coding Club works to educate the students of Ashland about coding as a form of creative expression and uses its talents to code to create projects that impact the world for good.  In the past we've focused on creating a website about the human impact on whale populations and an app to bring awareness to the environmental impact of meat consumption.  The highlight of our year is the annual visit to the CS50 fair at Harvard.  All are welcome to come and feel empowered by computer science.   
    Meets: Tuesdays @ 7:50am

    Culinary Club

    Club Advisor: Michael de la Peña 

    Description: Coding Club works to educate the students of Ashland about coding as a form of creative expression and uses its talents to code to create projects that impact the world for good.  In the past we've focused on creating a website about the human impact on whale populations and an app to bring awareness to the environmental impact of meat consumption.  The highlight of our year is the annual visit to the CS50 fair at Harvard.  All are welcome to come and feel empowered by computer science.   
    Meets: We meet after school every other Thursday either in B203 (Mr. de la Peña's room) or in A205 (the kitchen).   

    Environmental Action 

    Club Advisor: Nancy Duffy

    The Environmental Action Club is a group of individuals interested in learning more about the environment, taking action to help improve the environment, and teaching others about how to make important changes.

    Meets: Every Monday after school.

    Games Club

    Club Advisor: Bev Chase

    Description: Join us in the counseling suite to enjoy a variety of games - board games, card games, sports games, video games, and a community puzzle. This after-school program is designed for pure fun and socializing. All are welcome.

    Meets: Every Friday, after school

    Gender Sexuality Alliance

    Club Advisor:  Caroline Bradley

    Description: The AHS GSA is a student run club that works to improve school climate for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender/identity expression.  We discuss LGBTQ+ issues, participate in national campaigns to promote equality, and attend and organize social events for LGBTQ+ youth in the MetroWest/Greater Boston area. 

    High School Democrats of America (Ashland Chapter)

    Club Advisor: Check back later for the name of the new Advisor for this club.

    Description: The High School Democrats of America is a national political organization that serves as an entry point to politics for youth activists across the country. The HSDA works at local, state and national levels to advance the ideals of the Democratic party. Although we are a liberally affiliated club, we welcome people of any political division, and anyone who wants to become more politically involved! 

    Meets: TBD 

    Jazz Ensemble

    Club Advisor: Darren Maule  

    Description: The AHS Jazz Ensemble is an extra-curricular performing ensemble at AHS. All concert band students are eligible to participate. The Jazz Ensemble will rehearse one evening per week and would perform at the Spring Concert. 

    Meets: This club is currently not active

    Junior State of America

    Club Advisor: Christina Marshall

    Description: The Junior State of America (JSA) is a national, student-run organization that focuses on debate and political awareness. The club meets weekly in school to debate issues both serious (abortion, health care, capital punishment) and not so serious (Harry Potter vs. Twilight, cats vs. dogs, Xbox vs. PlayStation). The club also goes on three overnight trips each year (Fall State in Boston, Winter Congress in Washington DC, and Spring State in Stamford, CT). Fall State and Spring State are two day trips where students sign up for previously arranged debates. Winter Congress is a three day trip where students debate and either pass or reject bills that the students themselves have written. These are all fantastic opportunities to explore the important issues in the world, learn good research tactics, improve public speaking and quick thinking, as well as make fantastic new friends. JSA - Because Democracy is not a spectator sport. 


    Leos Club

    Club Advisor: Catherine Dicken
    Description: The Leos Club is the student version of the Lions Club which does charitable work in the community. It is a community service club.


    Make A Wish Club 

    Club Advisor: Jennifer Pavia-Shiels

    Description: The Make A Wish Club supports the Make A Wish Foundation through a team-oriented and student participatory approach.  The Make A Wish foundation strives to grant wishes to children suffering from a progressive, degenerative or malignant condition. The Make A Wish club focuses their energy on year long fundraising efforts to assist the foundation in granting wishes. 

    Makerspace Mentors

    Club Advisor: Chad McGowan 
    The Makerspace Mentors is a team created to bring the joy of making to students in the middle and elementary schools. The mentors meet to create cool programs about different STEM skills including 3D Printing, woodworking, coding and robotics. Interested in learning more about creating after-school programs for kids? Want the opportunity to show your leadership skills in a student-driven environment? Are you super handy with a glue gun? Come join the Makerspace Mentors and make a difference!


    Math Team

    Club Advisor: Erika Thomson

    Description: The Ashland Math Team competes in the Worcester County Math League with four competitions per year. Topics on the competitions vary (algebra, arithmetic, geometry, set theory, polynomials, etc.) and all students are welcome to join! Each week, students meet to complete practice rounds and discuss any topics they are unfamiliar with to prepare for the competitions. Competitions are scheduled to be in person at various local schools for the 2024- 2025 school year. 

    Model UN

    Club Advisor: Jennifer Pavia-Shiels

    Description: The Model UN features discussion about international issues in mock debates, similar to the actual United Nations, as we each pretend to represent a country while using conversation to reach a solution on various topics! Our club meetings consists of a topic and everyone representing a "country" while arguing for that country's opinions. We provide many opportunities for students to attend single-day competitions around the area, multi-day competitions around the area, as well as a national conference (the location varies every year, but possible locations have included Los Angeles, Miami, and Toronto)! We even take pride in hosting our own conference in collaboration with the Model UN club of AMSA, called MetroWest MUN! Have questions or want to join the club? Feel free to pop into a Wednesday meeting in Ms. Hansen’s room (social studies hallway), message/follow our twitter (@AshlandMUN) and  instagram (@ahs_mun), check out our website at https://sites.google.com/site/ashlandhsmodelun, or email us at  ahs.mun.officers@gmail.com! For more information about the conference we host, feel free to take a peek at its website at https://metrowestmodelun.com, message/follow us on twitter (@metrowestmun) and instagram (@metrowestmun), or email us at metrowestmun@gmail.com!

    National Honor Society 

    Club Advisor: Marybeth Gallant

    Description: "The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character" (from the NHS national website).

    Peer Leaders

    Club Advisor: Scott Smith 

    Peer Leadership:  The Peer Leaders have been training with the Anti-Defamation League, ADL's A World of Difference team.  Throughout the school year, Peer leaders lead information training sessions and discussions to the Freshman and Sophomore classes, which promote respect, inclusivity and equity in all aspects of our school and greater community.  Peer leaders also help to facilitate school-wide initiatives, such as welcoming the student body on the first day of school, the Convocation Scavenger hunt, Challenge Day, and other school activities where student leaders are needed. 

    The Peer Leaders also act as school ambassadors to help transfer students who are new to the school find their way around, navigate the schedule, make new friends, join clubs or sports and generally become a part of the AHS family. Many students and Peer Leaders are on-call to greet and escort these students to class during their first few days. 

    If you are a Junior or Senior interested in joining Peer Leadership, please apply here: 

    Peer Leadership Application


    Club Advisor: Christine Carney

    Description: The Ashland High School Robotics Club provides an environment where students work cooperatively in their attempts to solve open ended design problems through the use of autonomous robotic designs and programming while exploring science, technology, engineering and math. The Culminating Activity for the Robotics Club is the annual New England Botball®Tournament held at UMass/Lowell.

    Select Chorus

    Club Advisor:  Mary Nemeth

    Description:  Acappella Choir will be offered after school on a weekly basis for the entire school year. Students will sing a variety of musical styles and will have input into the music selection. The ensemble will perform in at least three concerts at school: the Winter concert in December, the March concert and Pops Night in May.

    Meets: This club is currently not active.   

    Student Council

    Club Advisors: Josh Wiczer and Erika Thomson

    Description: The AHS Student Council is a body of student leaders, primarily elected class officers, who share similar interests, ideals, and goals in order to benefit Ashland High School and the Ashland community. The Student Council offers programs and activities that provide opportunities for socialization and student government in order to encourage leadership and school pride. Many of these activities serve as fundraisers to benefit Ashland High School, the Ashland community, and charitable organizations. The Student Council also strives to promote the general welfare of the student body by improving school spirit, morale, and student-teacher relations, by providing a forum for student expression, etc. Student Council members are expected to model the core values of Ashland High School in all that they do: respect, responsibility, integrity, involvement, and achievement.   (Taken from the AHS Student Council Constitution).  

    Visit AHS Student Council website for more information.

    Students Against Destructive Decisions

    Club Advisor: Michael de la Pena

    Description: The goal of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is to promote good and safe decision making by teens. We emphasize drug and alcohol use prevention and impaired driving in our efforts. We have met at least monthly this year, and often more frequently.  Activities are determined by group decision making, but in the past have included posting warning stickers at Ashland liquor stores, meeting with Mindess 5th graders to promote our "Caring Card" program for HS students, attending a leadership conference and hosting a bumper sticker contest.

    Meets: Room B203 every other Wednesday at 3:00pm

    Ultimate Frisbee

    Club Advisors: Stephen Moshkovitz & Robert Shapiro

    Description: Ultimate Frisbee is one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. Despite popular belief, it is not just a bunch of barefoot hippies in a field. Ultimate is one of the most intense tests of athleticism and endurance out there. The team plays each spring against teams from all over the area, some as close as Hopkinton and Holliston and others as far as Andover and Abington. The game teaches not only athleticism and strategy but also sportsmanship. There are also opportunities to attend clinics and tournaments throughout the season. Ashland's Ultimate Frisbee team has had tremendous success in the past - finalists in the 2009 Abington Tournament, third place in the Division II state tournament in 2008, and finalists in the 2007 Division II state tournament - and looks to continue that success in the future. Ultimate Frisbee officially runs from March until June, but opportunities are available to play tournaments in the fall and in an indoor league in the winter.

    Union Street Journal

    Club Advisor: Liz Cooney
    Description:  If you like writing, the Union Street Journal is a great place to get involved. All are welcome, and we are always looking for new submissions. Students can write about their own interests, such as community and school events, music reviews, athletics, current events, performing arts, cultural topics, and club activities. We are always excited to welcome new members!   

    Wind Ensemble

    Club Advisor: Darren Maule    

    Description: The AHS Wind Ensemble is an extra-curricular performing ensemble at AHS and is comprised of the most dedicated instrumentalists.  All concert band students are eligible to audition for the AHS Wind Ensemble.  The Wind Ensemble rehearses once per week starting in January.  Potential performances include Band Night, MICCA Festival, and the Spring Concert.  
    Meets: This club is currently not active

    Yearbook Club

    Club Advisors:  Chad McGowan, Suzanne Reap (financial advisor) & Scott Smith

    Description: The Yearbook Club is comprised of students from all grade levels who are dedicated to producing the best yearbook Ashland High School has ever had. If you are interested in learning more, visit our AHS Yearbook website and join us at our meetings which start in early September.