- Ashland High School
- AHS Community Service
Community Service
At Ashland High School, we believe in the importance of giving back to one’s community and assisting those in need. In addition to the direct benefits garnered by the recipients of community service, our students are enriched. Offering support to others brings personal fulfillment, fosters a healthy sense of self-worth, and instills compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves.
All AHS students will participate in school-based service activities each year, organized by the school community. While students do not need a specific number of hours to graduate, they will be required to participate in school day service opportunities and are encouraged to track their hours for opportunities such as National Honor Society and scholarships.
Community Service Guidelines
Community Service is an action performed with or on behalf of others [outside the immediate family] that does not involve any financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service.
Examples of types of service AHS students are currently performing are (but not limited to): assisting at Senior Centers; helping at soup kitchens, food pantries, hospitals, and/or PTO events; mentoring at Ashland elementary schools; participating in or organizing charity walks.
Students may perform one single type of service, or many different types.
Service requirements may be completed in one time period, or over extended time periods (NOTE: Colleges favor consistent experiences that demonstrate a student’s commitment to a particular service).
Community service for which academic credit is given is not accepted.
Activities to help a family member are not accepted.
- A family member may not serve as the supervisor for community service activities and may not sign off on the form.
Community service performed through profit-making companies is not accepted (with the exception of hospitals and nursing homes).
Students may not be compensated for service hours.
Community service which is assigned by the Court is not accepted.
Fundraising to support a student’s own activities (e.g., class or club activities) is not accepted.
Fundraising for charitable purposes is accepted.
Community service may not be associated with the practice or promotion of any religion. Educational activities and non-religious activities which benefit the religious community or the community-at-large (e.g. teaching Sunday school or CCD - unless required for Confirmation, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, etc.; unpaid babysitting during religious services; maintenance of buildings; clothing drives; youth group work with shelters or food pantries; mission trips [with community service goals]) are accepted.
Participation in youth groups is not accepted, unless it is the capacity of a leadership role in performing community service.
Participation or leadership in school-related activities that would otherwise be paid experience or participation in a team or group (e.g., manager for a team or club, time-keeping at sports events, equipment management, etc.) is not accepted, unless the activity specifically involves service and is identified as such by school administration.
Participation in a program that could lead to job opportunities, such as Counselor In Training (CIT), is not accepted. This opportunity is considered an example of leadership.
Charity walks (time spent walking) are accepted, providing the student raises money through pledges. Completing the 20-mile Walk for Hunger will earn a standard 10 hours. Completing half of the Walk for Hunger will earn a standard 5 hours. For the Relay For Life, only the hours spent walking the track are accepted, not hours spent sleeping or socializing.
Contact Information
Community Service Coordinator
The community service coordinator is Sue Reap. To contact, Ms. Reap, please email AHScommunityservice@ashland.k12.ma.us.
National Honor Society Advisor
Questions regarding Community Service for National Honor Society should be directed to NHS Advisor Ms. Marybeth Gallant at mgallant@ashland.k12.ma.us.
Reporting Guidelines
- Hours must be reported within one month of completion. Hours completed during the summer must be submitted by September 30.
- Students should follow the guidelines as stated on the community service form, using one form for no more than two weeks of service (except for the Farmer’s Market as stated below). Students should provide the exact dates and times of service for all hours making up the total for that form.
- Hours performed at the Farmer’s Market should be recorded weekly, meaning each Saturday is its own form.
- Scan the sheet and send a copy to the Community Service Coordinator at AHScommunityservice@ashland.k12.ma.us.
- The SUBJECT LINE FOR EMAIL should simply be CS YOG (e.g., CS 2025; CS 2026, etc.) There is no need to write anything more than that in the subject line for the submission of hours.
- FILE A COPY of your form. All community service hours should be kept in a personal folder at home, in the event there is ever a question regarding hours served.