- Ashland Public Schools
- Forms and Applications
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
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Forms and Applications
We have made system enhancements to expedite the processing of Professional Growth Credit Applications (PGCA), Course Reimbursements, and Small Necessities Leave Form. All forms can now be found and submitted through Talent Ed.
To create or log in to your TalentED account, follow these instructions:
- To begin, log in to TalentEd - Records using your Ashland Public Schools email address as the username.
- If it’s your first time using Records, choose “logging in for the first time.”
- Check your inbox for an email from TalentEd to create your password (minimum of 8 characters with at least one special character).
- If you have trouble logging in, click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link to have an email sent to you to reset your password.
Form Instructions
Course Reimbursement
After submitting your PGCA form, follow these instructions to request a course reimbursement:
- Log-In TalentEd Records.
- Go to Available Forms.
- Select Course Reimbursement.
- Add as an E-Form.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Upload grade or transcript (at bottom of document).
- Upload proof of payment (at the bottom of the document), and follow the proof of payment guidelines.
- Save Final.
Please note: You must submit the PGCA form before requesting reimbursement.
Professional Growth Credit Applications (PGCA)
To submit your Professional Growth Credit Application, follow these steps:
- Log-In TalentEd Records.
- Go to Available Forms.
- Select PGCA.
- Add as an E-Form.
- Fill in required fields*
- Save Final.
Regarding Course Description*
- Input a short description OR
- Type UPLOAD and upload a document with the description at the bottom of the form.
To check the status of your PGCA application:
- Log-In TalentEd Records.
- Go to Files.
- Select Professional Growth.
- To view submitted Forms, go to “Loose Documents” towards the bottom.
- If not, select (...) on the PGCA folder >history > view.
- When you are in the form, scroll to the bottom of the page *** CURRICULUM ***
- You will see if the course was deemed appropriate for staff growth and consideration for reimbursement or lane change by the Curriculum Director.
Small Necessities Leave Form
To submit your Small Necessities Leave form, follow these steps:
- Log-In TalentEd Records.
- Go to Available Forms.
- Select Small Necessities Leave Form.
- Add as an E-Form.
- Fill in required fields*
- Save Final.
Your form, upon submission, will be sent to your building ADMIN Assistant.
Additional Forms
Request for a Professional Day Form
This form should be used to request a professional day to attend a conference, workshop, meeting or field trip.