• Forms and Applications

    We have made system enhancements to expedite the processing of Professional Growth Credit Applications (PGCA), Course Reimbursements, and Small Necessities Leave Form. All forms can now be found and submitted through Talent Ed.


    To create or log in to your TalentED account, follow these instructions:

    1. To begin, log in to TalentEd - Records using your Ashland Public Schools email address as the username.
    2. If it’s your first time using Records, choose “logging in for the first time.”
    3. Check your inbox for an email from TalentEd to create your password (minimum of 8 characters with at least one special character).
    4. If you have trouble logging in, click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link to have an email sent to you to reset your password.

Form Instructions

  • Course Reimbursement

  • Professional Growth Credit Applications (PGCA)

  • Small Necessities Leave Form

Additional Forms