• Respiratory Illness Recommendations

    Always wash your hands often with soap and water and cover your coughs and sneezes to help prevent the spread of illness.


    Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot infographic; Text reads Core Prevention Strategies: Immunizations, Hygiene, Steps for Cleaner Air, Treatment, Stay Home to Prevent Spread; Alternative Prevention Strategies: Masks, Distancing, Tests;

    Image Taken from CDC


    If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (ie COVID, influenza, etc) such as fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, you should:

    • Stay home and away from others as much as possible.

    • Cover your coughs and sneezes.

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water. 

    • It is recommended that you wear a mask when you have to be around others.


    You may begin to resume normal activities with precautions if: 

    1. You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines; AND 

    2. Your other symptoms are improving.


    For at least the first 5 days after you resume normal activities, it is recommended that you take these extra precautions:
    • Wear a mask anytime you are indoors around other people.

    • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. 


    If you have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness:

    • You may continue your normal activities. 

    • Monitor for symptoms carefully. 

    • If you begin to experience symptoms, follow the above recommendations for “symptoms of a respiratory illness.”


    Refer to: MA DPH and CDC guidelines for more information.