• Flyers and Community Announcements

    The Community Bulletin Board will be updated every Friday, so check back frequently!

    Ashland Public Schools provides this web page as a community service. Distribution does not imply that the district endorses or approves the activities or viewpoints promoted in these materials. All questions should be directed to the contact(s) listed on the relevant flyer or in the event description.

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  • Learn the ABCs of College Admissions

    On Jan. 9 from 6-7 p.m., join college admissions coach Sally Phelps at the Ashland Public Library to learn all there is to know about college admissions! In this session, Sally will review the basics of the college admissions process, timeline and things to consider. Teens and parents are welcome, but space is limited. Registration is required. Email Teen Librarian Laura Bernier at lbernier@ashlandmass.com for more info.

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  • ARC Minds In Motion Robot

    Have you ever wanted your own robot? Now's the chance to build your own with Minds In Motion. Equipped with infrared sensors and controlled with a wireless remote, you can take your robot almost anywhere with its wide, tank-like tracks. You can also teach your robot to sing, dance and tell a story. The program is open to participants ages 8-11 and will meet from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Mondays from Jan. 27-March 10 at the Community Center. Register online for $144 at AshlandMa.MyRec.com.

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  • ARC Kids' Test Kitchen

    Kids' Test Kitchen is on a mission to get young eaters cooking, tasting and thinking about healthy eating. Each week, the group will prepare a recipe from scratch. At the end of class, all aspiring chefs will get a taste of the finished dish, a copy of the recipe and one main ingredient from the recipe to take home. Class meets from 5-6 p.m. on Thursdays from Jan. 30-March 16 at the Community Center—no class on Feb. 20. Open to participants in grades K-6. Cost is $218. Register online at AshlandMa.MyRec.com.

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  • The Seussificaiton of Romeo & Juliet

    The Ashland Middle School Theater Company presents “The Seussificaiton of Romeo & Juliet.” This whimsical reinvention of Shakespeare’s tragic love story (in this case not so tragic!) complete with Dr. Seuss’s iconic rhyming tetrameter, creative wordplay and fantastical machines is fun for all ages in all grades. The one-hour play will open at 7 p.m. on Jan. 24 and run again at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Jan. 25 in the Ashland Middle School Little Theater. Tickets are $10 at the door. Cash only. Come out for a great show and to support our cast and crew of 40-plus students! Questions? Contact Drama Director Mr. Langmeyer at elangmeyer@ashland.k12.ma.us.

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  • Inscríbete en Música, Teatro o Danza en PAC MetroWest

    PAC Metrowest en Framingham ofrece clases y lecciones individuales para niños y adultos. Las inscripciones varían entre $225-640. Hay becas disponibles. Visita pacmetrowest.org para más información. Póngase en contacto por teléfono al (508) 875-5554 o por correo electrónico a pac@pacmetrowest.org si tiene alguna pregunta.

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  • Register for a Makerspace Club Session

    Ashland High School's Makespace Club will host four different sessions — Electronics, Woodworking, Scratch Coding and Making Things Fly—throughout the year for Mindess School students. Each session will be held after school from 2:50-3:50 p.m. on Wednesdays at Ashland High School. Cost varies from $60-100 for each session and transportation to AHS is included. Caregivers must pick them up from AHS. Interested? Email cmcgowan@ashland.k12.ma.us for more information.

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  • Learn the art of Bollywood dance

    Learn the art of Bollywood dance at the Ashland Public Library! If you have seen a Bollywood movie, you'll know that a feature of some is a big, elaborate dance number. This is your chance to break a slight sweat and learn the moves, whether you are a complete dance beginner or an expert looking to strut your stuff. Teens (ages 12+) and adults are welcome at this event on Jan. 11 from 1-1:45 p.m. Register for the Bollywood dance class here or email lbernier@ashlandmass.com for more info!

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  • Family Book Read & Yoga

    The Department of Prevention & Human Services and Ashland Public Library  invite kids ages 4-11 and their caregivers to learn, move and play at the upcoming Family Book Read & Yoga event with Ava Dussault on Jan. 18 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Ashland Public Library. There will be a book reading from Renee Finds Her Calm and Renee Finds Her Inner Strength, plus yoga and crafts. Limited to 50 participants. Please bring a yoga mat or towel.

    Register for the Family Book Read & Yoga event now. For additional information, please email kfrench@ashlandmass.com.

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  • ARC Mini Golf with Skyhawks Sports

    This unique program combines creativity, teamwork and fundamental golf skills into an engaging experience. Children will learn putting techniques through fun drills and games, working to improve accuracy and control and mastering the basics. As the program progresses, we will work in teams to design and build new holes weekly with fun themes to jump-start children’s creativity and imagination. Design, Build & Play Mini Golf meets on Mondays from Jan. 13-Feb. 20 at the Community Center for participants in grades K-6. Register online for $125 at AshlandMa.MyRec.com.

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  • Registre-se para música, teatro ou dança no PAC MetroWest
    O PAC Metrowest em Framingham oferece aulas individuais para crianças e adultos. As taxas de inscrição variam de US$ 225 a US$ 640. Há bolsas de estudo disponíveis! Acesse pacmetrowest.org para obter mais informações. Entre em contato com (508) 875-5554 ou envie um e-mail para pac@pacmetrowest.org em caso de dúvidas.

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  • Register for Music, Theater, or Dance at PAC MetroWest

    PAC Metrowest in Framingham offers winter classes and individual lessons for kids and adults. Registration fees vary from $225-640. Scholarships are available! Visit pacmetrowest.org for more information. Contact (508) 875-5554 or email pac@pacmetrowest.org with any questions.

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  • ARC Overtime!

    ARC Overtime is a program designed to give families the additional support they need for their children during the crucial time between when school ends and the end of your work day. Registration is open for grade 3–8 students. This program will be held Monday-Thursday from 2-4:30 p.m. Space is limited. To register your child, visit AshlandMA.MyRec.com.