The Ashland Preschool staff for the 2023–2024 school year pose for a group photo

Faculty and Staff

  • The PittCrew, our moniker for our faculty and staff, consists of dedicated professionals. Our teachers are lifelong learners, and we provide continuing education and professional development opportunities for them throughout the year.

    While each of our classrooms follows the same scope and sequence of curriculum units, teachers differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of each student. They also bring their unique style and experience to create an inclusive environment in which every child can learn.

Staff Directory

  • Ashland High School
  • Ashland Middle School
  • Ashland Preschool
  • Central Office
  • David Mindess Elementary School
  • David Mindess School
  • District-wide
  • Henry Warren Elementary School
  • Henry Warren School
  • Mindess School
  • Warren Elementary School
  • Warren School
  • William PIttaway School
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"

Employment Opportunities

  • We consciously recruit and retain people who are committed to being lifelong learners and ensuring academic excellence for each of our students. Throughout the year, we may have job openings. Some positions may require certain credentials and certifications. 

    We encourage anyone interested in working with us to fulfill our mission and vision to explore our career opportunities for future employment at