• Ashland Preschool PTO

    The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at Pittaway is dedicated to enhancing the educational program of the Ashland Preschool by providing enrichment programs and events which strengthen the relationship between home, school and community.

    The PTO is comprised of parents working collaboratively with the teachers and administration. This organization allows many opportunities for parents and other family members to get involved. The PTO enhances the educational program by providing enrichment programs and events that strengthen the relationship between home, school and community.

    Contact PTO president Pam McQuillan if you have any questions about the PTO or their sponsored activities for the preschool. Listed below is contact information for each PTO administrative position. 

  • PTO Officers 2021-2022

Position Name Email
President Pam McQuillan pam.mcquillan@yahoo.com
Vice-President & Treasurer Ronnie Pye
Secretary & Communication Chair Meghana Pandit
Events & Enrichment Chair Rosalia Morel
Membership Chair Danielle Prince
Fundraising Chair (Two Open Positions)