• Tuition and Fees

    Below are the projected tuition rates for the 2025–2026 school year, pending a review by the Ashland School Committee.

    If your child is placed, there is a non-refundable registration fee of $175 to secure your spot.

Program Tuition
  • Additional Options

    We can provide early drop-off for $15 per day or late pick-up for an additional $22.50 per day. Our ability to provide this programming depends on how many families are interested and staff availability.

    • Early Drop-off Program: 7:30–8:30 a.m.
    • Late Pick-up Program: 3–4:30 p.m.
  • Payment Information

    If your child is placed, you must submit a non-refundable registration fee of $175.00 to secure your spot through the Town of Ashland payment portal.

    Tuition may be broken up into 10 monthly payments. The first payment is due no later than July 1, 2025. If your tuition is not paid by July 1, you will lose your spot. Payments are due on the first of the month every month through April 1, 2026. Payments must be submitted online through the Town of Ashland payment portal (the same portal used to pay excise taxes, water bills, bus fees, EDP, etc.). 

    We will email you monthly statements around the 10th of each month. A late fee of $20.00 will be incurred on the 2nd of each month for any late payments.

    Enrollments are made in good faith for the entire school year. In case of necessary withdrawals from enrollment, notice is required, and deposits are not refundable. Since expenses are constant and only a limited number of children can be accepted into the program, there can be no reduction in fees for absences, and no refunds will be made.

  • Payment Instructions

    Payments must be submitted online and are due the first day of each month from July 1 through April 1. To submit payments,

    1.  Go to www.ashlandmass.com

    2. On the right hand side click on a tab “How Do I”  

    3. Click on “Submit On-Line Payments”

    4. Select Bill Type – “School Department”

    5. Select Preschool Tuition.

    6. Type in your account # (located on the top right of your statement “24XXXXXX” if you have an account). If you do not have an account yet, skip this step.

    7. Type in your Parent 1 Name and Child’s Name.

    8. The amount owed is the amount that is due by the 1st of the month.


    Please note if you pay by e-check (checking or savings) the fee is about the amount of a stamp. You may pay by credit card, but there will be additional fees incurred at your expense.

    If you have any questions regarding the amount owed, please reach out to dlowell@ashland.k12.ma.us.