A teacher holds a student's hands as they walk down the sidewalk of Ashand Preschool

WELCOME! We are so glad you're here.

  • Dear prospective Ashland Preschool families,

    We are so glad you're interested in learning more about our preschool and educational programs. Ashland Preschool is truly a place where students love to learn.

    Our school provides affordable program options, including half-day and full-day programming. We have dedicated faculty, who we lovingly call our PittCrew, and engaged families and students. Through a developmentally-appropriate curriculum, our youngest learners not only gain academic skills but also grow socially and emotionally.

    Most importantly, we believe every child has the ability to grow. We provide a positive, inclusive and respectful environment where our three and four-year-old students can foster all aspects of learning. We support students with and without disabilities to reach critical developmental milestones in their educational journey.

    I encourage you to browse our website to learn more about our school, take a virtual tour or contact us at preschool@ashland.k12.ma.us or (508) 881-0160 with any questions you may have. 

    Sara Davidson

    Director/SPED Coordinator