- Ashland Public Schools
- Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
If you have additional questions, please contact Transportation Coordinator Tamara Saviatto at transportation@ashland.k12.ma.us or 508-532-4007.
For fax and mailing information, please see below:
Mailing Address87 W. Union Street
Ashland, MA 01721
Attn: Business Office
Can my child ride home on another bus?
No. Due to bus capacity and the need to assure all students are on the appropriate bus, a child may only ride the bus they are assigned to.
Does my child need a Bus Pass to board the school bus?
Yes, they need to carry their pass with them and show it to the driver every time they get on the bus.
How do I apply for fee-based busing?
Students in Grades K-6 who live two or fewer miles from school and all students in Grades 7-12 may pay an annual transportation fee if they want to take the bus to and from school. Submit payments to Ashland Public Schools at https://epay.cityhallsystems.com, select the School Department and the drop down option for Bus Transportation.
How is unacceptable student bus behavior addressed?
Unacceptable student bus behaviors are referred to the Assistant Principal of the school the student attends for review.
If I believe there is a problem with student behavior on a school bus or the operation of the school bus, to whom should I report this?
The Transportation Office welcomes all inquiries and concerns. Feel free to contact us at transportation@ashland.k12.ma.us and we will address your issues.
Is there a discounted rate if a student rides the bus once per day?
That is not a service level we offer. Our routes and bus capacities are designed around the same routes for the entire year.
What do I do if my child loses their pass?
There is a fee of $5.00 to replace a lost pass.
What time should my student be at the bus stop?
After the first weeks of school, routes generally settle into a predictable routine. Students should be at the stop 10 minutes before the published stop time and also be prepared to wait up to 10 minutes after the published stop time. As a reminder, a parent/guardian or an adult designated by the parent/guardian must be at the bus stop for the drop-off and pick-up of all K- 2 students.
Who do I contact if I have lost an item on the school bus?
Please email transportation@ashland.k12.ma.us with the number of the bus. All items left on a bus are kept on the bus by the driver until claimed. The buses are cleaned of all remaining items at the end of the school year.
Who is eligible for free bus transportation?
Per Massachusetts General Law, and Ashland School Committee policy, Ashland Public Schools provides free transportation to Ashland students in Grades K-6 who reside more than two (2.0) miles from school.
Why do I have to register my child even though they qualify for free?
We need confirmation from parents that they want the transportation service. Some parents prefer to drive their children to and from school.
Will School Choice Students be able to ride the bus?
Transportation is not provided outside the Town of Ashland.