Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)

  • Massachusetts law now authorizes fingerprint-based criminal history record checks for all public and private school employees, transportation providers, substitute teachers, Field Study students and for designated volunteers and employees of school vendors. 

    Employees hired after June 2014 will be required to get their fingerprints processed before their first day of employment in Ashland Public Schools. 

    Employees hired prior to July 2013 will be required to get their fingerprints processed sometime before June 2016.  The state will be providing guidance as to how this will be accomplished.  You do not have to wait; you may get your prints done now and avoid the potential rush.  A new processing location has opened in Milford.

    • To schedule a fingerprint scanning appointment, visit or call 1-866-349-8130. The Ashland Public Schools District Provider ID is 00140000. The District provider ID is needed to schedule an appointment. 
    Visit the following website for more information on the new SAFIS regulation:

    Overview of the Fingerprinting Process

    • An applicant/employee registers for a fingerprinting appointment via either the MorphoTrust USA IdentoGo™ registration website or the MorphoTrust Massachusetts Customer Service Center;
    • An applicant/employee goes to the MorphoTrust USA IdentoGo™ enrollment center on the date and time selected by him/her and has his/her fingerprints taken;
    • The applicant's/employee's fingerprints are sent electronically to the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) for a statewide criminal history record check and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a nationwide criminal record check;
    • The results of both the State and National fingerprint based criminal history record check are returned to the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) for review; and
    • The State and National fingerprint based criminal history record check results are returned to the district or school identified by the applicant/employee during the registration process.
    For more information, please refer to the SAFIS Registration Guide listed below.  If you have any questions about SAFIS, please contact Kayla Hurst at 508-881-0156.

    The information above is from the Massachusetts SAFIS Registration Guide