• Ashland Public Schools
     Fundraiser Procedure 

    All organizations fundraising on behalf of Ashland Public Schools students must follow this procedure for approval of each fundraiser being run. If you have any questions, please call our Business Office at (508) 881-0156.
    1.  The applicant should read and comply with the Ashland School Committee Policy JJE on Fundraising.
    2.  The applicant must fill out and submit a Pre-Approval Fundraising Form at least two (2) weeks before the start of the fundraiser.

    • If you are an Ashland Public Schools employee, complete this electronic Pre-Approval Fundraising Form. Your form will automatically be forwarded to the appropriate principal.  

    • For non-Ashland Public Schools employees, download and complete this Pre-Approval Fundraising Form. If the fundraiser is building-based, please submit your completed form to the building principal.  If the fundraiser is district-wide, the form should be submitted directly to the Business Office. 

    3.  If approved by the building principal, it will then be forwarded to the Business Office. 

    4.  The Business Manager will approve or deny the request and notify the applicant via email.

    5.  If approved, the Business Office will update the information on the District Fundraising Calendar on the Ashland Public Schools website.

    6.  Within one week of the fundraiser’s end date, the applicant completes Accounting Summary of Fundraiser and submits the form to the Business Office.

    7.  The Business Manager reports fundraising outcomes to the School Committee quarterly.

District Fundraising Calendar 2022-2023